Lesson #1 - Introduction to Toad Workbook

In this lesson you will start using Toad Workbook and use the basics. Listen to the video below and then get your hands dirty following the excercise belo.w


1) Start Toad Workbook by double clicking on the desktop icon for Workbook.

2) Press "Start New Workbook" and enter the Workbook name "Customer Analysis".

3) Click "Build Result Set" (top left) and choose Query Builder. This will bring up the visual query builder.

4) Before the visual query builder is displayed you will need to chose a connection. Select the Toad Sample Database which. (Note: You may need to install MS Access Database Engine)

5)After you connect the tables in the sample database are shown in the Object Explorer. (second panel) Expan to see the tables and drag the tables address, contact and customer onto the visual query builder drawing surface. 

6) Select the following columns to add to the query: Customer_name, First_name, Last_name, address, City, State, County, and Postal_code.

7) Filter the Query by adding a Where condition. Find the Country column and click on the Where row of that column. A Where condition editor will display. Change the condition to 'IN' and select all of the countries starting with 'U'.

8) Execute the query by pressing the green arrow in the top left of the Query Builder. Notice that it says the rows are limited. Press on the rows limited link and see the options. Change to retrieve all rows. 

9) Name the query by double clicking the 'WF1 - Query' in the Workbook navigation window. These are the steps in the workflow. All names can be edited this way. 

10) To add a Pivot Grid, press the  down arrow on the left side of the query step and chose 'Add Step'. The step window shows you all of the types of steps tha can be added: Work Step, Report or Output. Explore the steps and finaly chose the Pivot Grid Step.

11) Pivot the results by dragging the Country column to the rows and Customer_Name to the fields. 

12) Name the Pivot Step by double clicking on 'WF1 - Pivot' and entering new name. 

13) To add a second pivot grid that uses the same results use the drop down from the query results step (first one) and chose Add Step. Chose Pivot Grid again. Pivot by Postal_Code and Customer_name. Give the second pivot step a meaningful name. Notice that both Pivot steps are both child steps of the query step. In Workbook, each child gets the output of the parent. 

14) Now let's build an excel report that exports the content of both pivots into one report. To do this we will use the output of the first pivot. Click the drop down of the first pivot and chose 'Add Step'. Select the report catagory and chose 'Excel'

15) Click the drop down of the Excel Report step and chose 'Settings'. Provide the file path and name. Chose to Overwrite the file. (This is good practice as you may want to run the workbook several times and do not want to keep appending to the report. Enter a worksheet name and press 'OK' to close the setting dialog. 

16) Now add the exporting the second pivot to the same report. Go to the second pivot step and press the drow down. Add another Excel Report step. This one should be a child of the second pivot as it is getting the data from the parent step. Open the settings. Provide the same file path and name. Uncheck Overwrite file as we do want to append to this file. Enter another unique worksheet name or if you want the pivot to show on the same worksheet change the start column and row. 

17) Now run the whole workbook by pressing the green arrow at the top of the workbook navigator. You will see progressing of the workbook. When it is done view the report from the 'Open Report' menu of the excel report step. 

Wahla!  Your first Toad Workbook!!!